
March Favourites 2014

11:47 pm

S-a dus si prima luna a primaverii asa ca a venit momentul sa va arat favoritele mele din luna Martie. 
March is gone so now I'm going to show you my montly favourites products.

Produse pentru fata/Face products:
  • ELMIPLANT Skin Moisture Servetele Demachiante Ten Normal/Mixt/Cleansing Wipes Normal/Combination Skin 
Servetelele demachiante pentru ten normal/mixt indeparteaza eficient si usor machiajul si impuritatile de pe fata, gat si ochi. Le-am folosit mult in aceasta luna (din lene mai mult) si chiar au inceput sa imi placa.
 Cleansing wipes for normal/combination skin remove effectively and easily make-up as well as dirt from face, neck and eyes. I've used them a lot this month (from laziness) and I actually started to like them so far.

  • GEROVITAL Plant Stop Acnee Gel Spumant Purifiant/Acne Stop Purifying Foaming Gel
Cu toate ca actioneaza bland, acest gel spumant purifiant curata bine pielea de impuritati si machiaj. Il folosesc in fiecare dimineata si tenul meu si-a mai revenit putin (am folosit pentru cateva luni ZINERYT - groaznic! mi-au aparut cosuri unde de obicei nu imi apareau si sper ca semnele sa dispara in timp.. NU recomand sa folositi ZINERYT!). *revenind la acest gel de la GEROVITAL* Indeparteaza impuritatile si excesul de sebum, iar dupa folosirea lui, tenul va fi curat si mat. Nu este prima oara cand il folosesc. Il recomand!
This purifying foaming gel ensures a mild and efficient face wash. I use it in every morning and my skin is starting to look better (I've used ZINERYT for a couple of months - awful! zits started to pop out on my face and I hope to get rid of the scars.. I DON'T recommend using ZINERYT!). *back to the GEROVITAL gel* Removes impurities and the excess of sebum and after using this product your skin will be cleaner and matte. Is not the first time when I use this gel. I recommend it!

Pensule pentru machiaj/Makeup brushes:
Cu toate ca in lunile trecute nu prea ma atingeam de ea, in Martie am folosit aceasta pensula aproape zilnic. Este foarte usoara, perii sunt moi si nu incarca sprancenele (asa cum face cea pe care o am de la AVON).
Even though I barely used it in the previous months, this brow brush was my favourite in March. Is very soft and doesn't make your eyebrows look cakey (like the one that I have from AVON does).

  • REVLON ColorStay™ Makeup for Combination/Oily Skin 180 Sand Beige
Chiar daca nuanta 180 Sand Beige este putin inchisa pentru mine, pot purta cu usurinta acest fond de ten. Are SPF 15, acoperire medie spre mare si o formula usoara fara ulei care ofera si mentine un aspect mat zonelor grase. Rezista pe ten si cred ca il voi recumpara dar intr-o nuanta mai deschisa.
Although 180 Sand Beige is a little dark for me, I can work it out and wear it. It has SPF 15, medium to full, longwearing coverage with a lightweight formula that won’t cake, fade, or rub off. Maybe I'll repurchase it but in a lighter shade.

Produse pentru corp/Body products:
  • NIVEA Invisible for Black & White Clear Mini-Deo Spray
Parfum natural, feminin, elegant. Deodorantul Clear miroase genial! Nu iti ofera protectie pentru 48 de ore dar m-am indragostit de mirosul lui!
Uplifting fragrance with elegant, feminine, floral notes. The Clear deodorant spray smells amazing! It doesn't give you protection for 48h, not at all (this is a drawback) but I fell in love with the smell!

  • BAYLIS & HARDING ENGLAND Gotcha Girls Bath & Shower Gel
Gelul Gotcha Girls miroase atat de bine! Este potrivit pentru primavara, iar sticla este foarte draguta - un design potrivit pentru fete sau mai bine zis "pentru fetite" hihi.
Gotcha Girls bath & shower gel smells so good! Is great for spring and the bottle is very cute and girly.

Daca iti cauti "sufletul pereche", vrei sa reaprinzi scanteia intr-o relatie mai veche sau pur si simplu doresti sa creezi relatii (de orice tip) autentice, atunci aceasta carte este pentru tine.
Terminand cu ceea ce scrie pe Internet despre aceasta carte, ea iti reaminteste ca si tu esti important/a, nu numai persoanele pe care "le pui" pe un piedestal, divinizandu-le. Sunt prezentate lucruri adevarate si chiar merita citita.
 If you're looking for your soul mate, want to reignite the spark in a longtime relationship or you're committed to creating more authentic friendships, family connections, and business relationships, then this book is for you.
This book helps you understand what really drives human behavior in romance, business, and families; and assures you that you can have the kind of relationships you’d love to have, whether they’re lasting or brief, intensely intimate or just for fun. Ultimately, this book aims to inspire you to fulfill the true purpose of your relationships: to wake you up to your own wholeness, the divine magnificence present in every human soul.

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