February Haul

1:27 am

Stiu ca aceasta postare trebuia sa fie pe blog de la inceputul lunii Martie dar din diferite motive nu am reusit sa ma ocup de ea. Am facut cumparaturi de la AVON, 1001 COSMETICE si DM (initial am vrut sa adaug si cateva accesorii de la H&M, dar cred ca voi face o postare separata).
Yeah, I know that this post should've been up at the beginning of March. How careless of me! The purchases are from AVON1001 COSMETICE and DM. (at first I wanted to show you some jewellery pieces from H&M, but I'm thinking to make a separate post).

AVON Calming Effects Illuminating Foundation Almond
Dintre toate fondurile lor de ten, cel calmant este singurul care mi-a placut si la care m-am oprit. De fapt, mama mea il foloseste (ea il iubeste) dar si mie imi place, asa ca il tot cumparam de cativa ani.
Of all their foundations, it seems like Calming Effects is the only one which I really get along and I have stuck with it ever since. This foundation is actually for my mom (she loves it) but I like it as well and we're continually purchasing it for quite some time now. 

AVON Kohl Eye Liner Bronze Sheen
Si creionul pentru ochi este folosit (foarte mult) de mama mea. Acum cativa ani, cam 5-6, eram innebunita dupa creioanele kohl/kajal sau cum vreti sa le mai numiti. Am o colectie intreaga si acum abia daca le mai folosesc. Ar trebui sa incep iar sa folosesc? Probabil o voi face. 
Again, this Kohl Eye Liner is used by my mom. A couple of years ago, like 5 or 6 years, I was crazy about kohl/kajal/pencil liners or how you want to call them. I have an entire collection and now I barely use them. Should I start reusing them? Maybe I will.

RIMMEL LONDON Lasting Finish by Kate Moss 04
Nu stiu daca imi place cum imi sta cu acest ruj. Nuanta 04 este foarte indrazneata, grozava pentru lunile friguroase, deci acum il voi pune deoparte si il voi folosi toamna/iarna.
I don't know if I really like how this lipstick looks on me. The shade 04 is quite bold, great for the colder months so for now I'm going to put it away and try to use it more in autumn/winter.

RIMMEL LONDON Lasting Finish Matte by Kate Moss 107
Rujul meu mat preferat! Este a doua oara cand il cumpar (din primul mai am foarte putin). Daca va plac nuantele de rosu caramida-burgundy, rujurile mate, atunci 107 este alegerea perfecta!
Definitely my favourite, my must-have, my holy grail matte lipstick! Is the second time that I purchase it (the other is almost finished). If you like dark red-burgundy matte lipsticks, 107 is the perfect choice for you!

REVLON ColorStay™ Makeup for Combination/Oily Skin 180 Sand Beige

La inceput nu am fost foarte incantata de acest fond de ten pentru ca nuanta comandata - 180 Sand Beige - nu este prea potrivita pentru mine; este putin inchisa. In orice caz, de cand il am, se pare ca este singurul fond de ten pe care tind sa il folosesc. 
At first I wasn't sure about this foundation because the shade that I've ordered - 180 Sand Beige - isn't very suitable for me; is a little dark. Nevertheless, since I have this product, it seems like is the only foundation I grab when doing my makeup.

  NIVEA Invisible for Black & White Clear Mini-Deo Spray (gift)

Deja am terminat acest mini-deodorant Clear si chiar vreau sa il cumpar in varianta full size (acesta are doar 35ml) pentru ca m-am indragostit de miros!
I have already finished this Clear mini-deo spray and I'm seriously thinking of purchasing it in full size (this is the 35ml one) because I've fallen head over heels with the smell.

EBELIN 140 Round Cotton Pads
Dischete demachiante de calitate buna, 140 de bucati, cu doar 6 lei - un chilipir!
Good quality for 140pcs with just €1.50 - such a bargain! 

SCHWARZKOPF PALETTE DELUXE Permanent Hair Colour 7-77 Intensive Shiny Copper

Iubesc aceasta nuanta - 562 Aramiu Stralucitor Intens - si nu cred ca o voi schimba prea curand.
My current hair dyeing product! I love this shade - 7-77 Intensive Shiny Copper - and I can't see myself changing it in the near future.

MAYBELLINE NEW YORK Great Lash Lots of Lashes Mascara Blackest Black
Voiam de foarte mult timp sa incerc acest rimel! L-am gasit in DM si nu am mai putut sa imi iau ochii de la el. Nuanta este Blackest Black, iar acum trebuie sa il gasesc pe cel transparent pentru gene si sprancene, si "colectia" va fi completa.
I wanted to try this mascara for so long! I've found it in DM and I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. I've bought it in Blackest Black and now I just need to find Great Lash Clear Mascara for Lash and Brow and I'll have my "collection" complete.

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4 comentarii

  1. Rimmel matte lipsticks is my obsession! Thank you for your post!

  2. Fondul de ten de la Avon ce putere de acoperire are?

    1. Daca folosesti un corector bun pentru imperfectiuni (in caz ca ai) inainte sa aplici fondul de ten, eu zic ca o sa fie in regula. Acoperirea este mica spre medie dar iti ofera un look fresh! ^-^

