NOTD: Barry M Mango si Nicole by OPI Heavenly Angel

11:52 am

Aceasta este prima mea postare cu "NOTD" (i.e. "unghiile zilei") si trebuie sa spun ca nu sunt o experta in arta manichiurii dar chiar imi face placere sa imi fac unghiile. Ca si base coat am folosit un lac transparent de la LEYDI, iar apoi am aplicat doua straturi din nuanta Mango (GNP 18) de la BARRY M. Daca va numarati printre iubitoarele de oje in nuante de portocaliu, atunci trebuie sa o aveti! Va intrebati daca am folosit top coat? Raspunsul este "Nu!", pentru ca nu am avut nevoie. Oja in sine are un finisaj lucios si nu este neaparat nevoie sa aplici un top coat. Cu toate acestea, nu voiam sa am doar o manichiura simpla si gata. Ma plictisesc repede si mereu ajung sa imi fac cate o unghie diferita (sau mai multe). Pentru asta am folosit Heavenly Angel din gama Nicole by OPI (colectia Selena Gomez), o oja cu bucatele de sclipici irizat si o baza transparenta.
Sper ca v-a placut prima postare din seria "NOTD"!
So this is my first "NOTD" (i.e. "nails of the day") post and I must say that I'm not an expert in doing nail art but I really like to paint my nails. As a base coat I've used a clear nail polish from LEYDI and after that I've applied 2 coats of the BARRY M nail polish in Mango (GNP 18) and for those of you who love orange varnishes, you need to have it! You just need! Do you ask yourself if I used a top coat? The answer is "No!" because I didn't even need to use one. The polish itself has a gelly-shiny finish and you don't need to bother with a top coat. Nevertheless, I didn't want to have just orange nails and done.. end of story. No! I get bored easily and I always end up having an accent nail (or more than one). For that I've used Heavenly Angel from the range Nicole by OPI (the Selena Gomez Collection), an iridescent shredded glitter in a clear base.
I hope you liked my first "NOTD" post!

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